At YoungCre8ors kids & teens make meaning of the world,
express themselves and shape the world’s future by creating engaging art –
be this films, podcasts, plays or music.
Live Courses:
cre8 a stop-motion film
Next course starts: 5th September
Dancing Lego, racing matchbox cars or playdough creatures going on an adventure – what will happen in your stop-motion film?
cre8 your first film
Next course starts: 2nd September
Making a film is like storytelling. In this course you’ll discover all the essentials for cre8ing your story. No experience needed.
Das Angebot deutschsprachiger Workshops findest du hier!
Courses in German can be found here!
“Thank you Torsten, I really liked
the class and I hope I can
learn from you again.”
“Torsten is a true storyteller, and a
fantastic public speaker,
and always captivates our learners’ imagination with his creativity. He brings a warm presence to his workshops
and approaches his teaching from
a place of empathy.”
Raya Bidshahri
CEO School of Humanity
“A very happy family and young creator
seeing her imagination fly and smile
with creations made and grateful to Torsten,
who has taught with the heart.”
Monique McCommons
Torsten Klaus
Dad to three unschooled kids, former TV-journalist, filmmaker,
educator, facilitator, slow-traveller, storyteller, cook.
Stay in touch and get informed about the latest live courses.