Jealousy 2030

“Jealousy 2030” is a sci-fi short film created by
two teenage students in Taiwan who I guided and mentored.

The Magic Box

In spring 2023 I delivered a filmmaking workshop to
a group of kids and teens in La Herradura, Spain.
We had a lot of fun with finding and agreeing on a story idea, scriptwriting, designing storyboards, filming, and editing.
In between, we played some games and enjoyed the beautiful
workshop location in the very heart of this town.
The result is a silent short film called “The Magic Box” –
a great mix of mystery and some comedy elements.

The Treasure Hunt

A stop-motion Lego film made by 8-year-old Nouri. Enjoy the adventure!

Grandpa’s Game 👴

In April 2023 I guided and mentored an awesome group of teens in Lisbon, Portugal. They cre8ed their short silent film “Grandpa’s Game” from scratch to the final cut. What an exciting journey! I was so impressed by their commitment and their ideas – we worked hard, laughed a lot
and cheered loudly when the final version of the film was screened in our editing room.

Awesome and amazing! Thank you, Torsten, for this excellent experience, commented one parent after the workshop. I enjoyed every minute.

More Cre8ions to watch: