cre8 your first film

Starting this Autumn

Making a film is like storytelling. In this course you’ll discover all the essentials for cre8ing your story. No experience needed.

cre8 a stop-motion film

Starting this Autumn

Dancing Lego, racing matchbox cars or playdough creatures going on an adventure – what will happen in your stop-motion film? Come & cre8!

cre8 a silent film

Starting this Autumn

Can you tell a story without any spoken words? Impossible? Let’s learn from the classic filmmakers and cre8 some silent short films!

Behind the Iron Curtain

Embark on a thrilling journey through post-WWII Eastern Europe. Explore the Berlin Wall, daily life and the 1989 Peaceful Revolution.

cre8 your first podcast

Starting this Autumn

What topic would you choose for your first podcast episode? Learn all
the skills you need to broadcast yourself!

the mars adventure

Starting this Autumn

Are you prepared for our arrival on the red planet? We will set up a colony and start to organize our new life in this strange new world.